Biotechnologists and Python

2 min readJun 9, 2021

Python is the most demanding programming language these days. It is ranked as second in the TIOBE index which indexes programming language on the basis of their application in the industry. Python is about to take over the first position in the TIOBE index.

TIOBE Index of Jun 2021

It is also ranked one in The PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Index is created by analyzing how often language tutorials are searched on Google.

There are lots of reasons for python’s getting popular.
1. It is quite simple and easy to understand.
2. It was developed for the scientific community.
3. Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.
4. It is free and open-source.
5. You can master python in 1 month.

comparison of a simple program to print Hello World on the screen in Java, C, and Python.

History of python
It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It was mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and express concepts in fewer lines of code.

Python in Bioinformatics

Do you know that In Silico’s computation is the future and most of the research will be using Python and R in the coming days with lots of jobs and research papers on it?
Data of python application in Biotech research
(Database vs No of records)
pubmed ===> 4753
pmc ===> 70060
nuccore ===> 123873
protein ===> 49192
gene ===> 24738
sra ===> 1848
biosystems ===> 681
geoprofiles ===> 4337

You can get this output by running the below command in python
from Bio import Entrez
for entries in output[“eGQueryResult”]:

Why Biotechnologists should learn python?
Python will help you on analyzing data. Performing computational tasks in a very small time. Lots of companies and institution uses python for research automation purpose. It is applied in various biotechnology fields like drug development, NGS data analysis, automation, Artificial Intelligence, and computational biology.

Features of this course:
30+ live classes,
recorded sessions available with lifetime access
24 hours doubt support.
PDF Notes and all the codes daily.

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